Pegs, Weights and Points

NamePosPointsPegTotal Weight
Scott Harding1111143lb 2
Steve O'Reilly210641lb 8
Mike Beardmore392032lb 5
Rick Golden48930lb 13
Rod Hill57230lb 9
Mark Walton56527lb 12
Paul Nadin651626lb 4
Andrew Reynolds741822lb 14
Simon Nadin831919lb 5
John Wallis921318lb 7
Rob Wallis1021216lb 5
Dan Pimlott112812lb 2
Steve Taylor1221510lb 15
Martin Nadin13237lb 9
Alan Nadin14246lb 2
John Lockwood15275lb 11
Joe Rice162172lb 14
Rich Galimore17110DNW

Match 1 – Cheshire Oaks Fishery – 18th April 2021 – 18 fished

Fantastic start to a new season, with the first match being posponed until later in the season.  This marked the start of our 2021 season.  Glorious weather with a slight cold breeze.

Draw done online night before as usual.  However, due to a mixup over how many pegs we were allowed to fish, we had to redraw in the car park (socially distant obviously).  This changed everything, with some anglers a little disappointed they no longer had a corner peg.  But in the spirit of Midport we all took it on the chin, and took off on the hike to our pegs.  Sidebar, if you are reading this and thinking of going, take a trolley or a barrow… its a walk from the carpark.

The venue seems to be under renevation and unfortuantly due to Covid, the cafe hasn’t managed to open properly yet.  Leaving a butty van or a maccies run to start.

With me being on the side of the lake with no many of us, I couldn’t hear much comotion coming from the other side, but Mike (peg 20, next to me) had a fantastic day.  So great to see an angler come along over the last few years.  He was pulling out F1s for fun on a method feeder, fishing corn and worm.  Even chucked a piece of pasta on the hook and they still took it.  With him drawing Golden Peg I was convinced he had walked it.  Unfortunately for him, he only managed to bag 3rd place as the fish weren’t that big.

This is going to definately be a consistant future venue for us, a fantastic shop on site, lovely staff and fantastic fishing.

As already mentioned, Golden peg was peg 20 drawn Mike Beardman, but after all the excitment he only managed 3rd place.

1st – Scott Harding (43lb 2Oz)
2nd – Steve O’Reilly (41lb 8Oz)
3rd – Mike Beardmore (32lb 5Oz)

Next match is 24th April at Old Hough, on Big Max. (Day after Fish O Mania qualifiers too DOH!)

From 2021 – Match 1 Cheshire Oaks. Posted by Midport Angling Club on 4/19/2021 (18 items)

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