Pegs, Weights and Points

NamePos/PointsPegTotal Weight
Andrew Reynolds1732lb 8
Paul Nadin25228lb 8
Mark Walton32227lb 3
John Wallis42526lb 10
Martin Nadin51625lb 6
Rick Golden64924lb 1
Simon Nadin73921lb 4
Scott Harding8217lb 15
Pete Holbury92917lb 7
John Lockwood104314lb 8
Alan Nadin114614lb 7
Dan Pimlott121812lb 7
Dave Tulloch13411lb 5
Rob Wallis133611lb 5
Mike Beardmore151210lb
Rich Galimore16208lb 6
Gaz Cotton17317lb
Steve Taylor18344lb 14

Match 8 – Brookside – Snake Lake – 21st August 2022 – 18 fished

Another match on a new lake for Midport.  These lakes are well stocked and have previously been reserved on Sundays for opens.  But the owner has graciously opened them up for club matches now, and with our venue at Holmston Hall having too few pegs for our 18 attendees it was perfect.

Sections split over the 2 lakes.  Can’t really say much about this match, as your’s truely was habouring the pleasures of the previous night, so did a “Joey” and turned up 20mins before all-in… Opps.

Small weights on the day, with a quite a few reporting snapping and so called “finding the fish 10mins before the end”… Fishermens tales if you ask me.

Golden peg was John Lockwood, and had the curse of the GP upon him, just finishing 10th.

1st – Andrew Reynolds (32lb 8Oz)
(Section winner) Paul Nadin (28lb 8Oz)
(Section winner) Mark Walton (27lb 3Oz)

From 2022 – Match 8 – Brookside Snakes. Posted by Midport Angling Club on 9/05/2022 (19 items)

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